My World

When I walk to the end of my driveway
And stand looking  at the open fields
At dusk, after  the sun has gone down
The fresh cool breeze caresses my cheeks
I think to myself, there can be no heaven better  than this
Oh, sweet God,  I cannot thank you enough!

When I come home after a long weekend 
And look at my plants to see
They have all grown an inch taller with tender green leaves
I touch them in wonder and think to myself
There can be no surprise  better than this
God, you created this  for me!

A smile from my mother 
A word from my father
Sisters standing  always near
No woe could touch me then
I look back on my childhood and think
God, what blessed life you have given me!

I hold my baby close to my heart
And he sleeps secure in my arms 
With a smile on his lips
I look adoringly at him and think
There can be no fulfillment  better than this
God, my heart swells with love !

My student puts his little  hand in mine
And I close my fingers gently 
Lost in the trust that he puts in me
I look at his happy face and think
What have I done to deserve  this
God, he sees you in me!

My dog; I surprise her with a chew stick
And I see her eyes widen 
The look  on her face melts my heart
I pat her head and hug her tight
God, what she gives me is so much more
Much more than what I can ever give back!

I stepped into an amazing  shop the other day
Wooden  toys crafted with precision 
I was astounded what human mind can envision 
Stood gaping at a tumble set for ages
I quickly bought it and took it home
Thinking,  God, how lucky can I get!

Yesterday I saw a little  bird 
Brown and black with a sharp call
She sat on my wall and cooed 
I stood still and looked
What an admirable creation
God, you have made a perfect world! 

Around me every minute  of the day
In a riot of colours, in a gamut of emotions 
I see your hand  every inch of the way
Within me and outside too
My cup of joy runneth over
God, your touch me in incredible  ways!


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