A Chance Encounter

He sat across the seat
The man in the train
I stole a quick glance
And found his eyes on me

I looked away quickly
Not wanting to smile
Yet his rough-hewn stubbly face
Caught my fancy just fine

I sat quite nonchalant
My eyes glued to the window
He sat there looking at me 
Eyes so soft and tender

I moved not a muscle
I sat as still as stone
Feeling my heart warm up
Not wanting to break the spell

Suddenly I turned my head
And looked him straight in the eye
My eyes bold, shot a warning
Daring him to stare

He moved his eyes quickly
And sat looking out
I sat feeling a bit lost
Did I really matter so little?

I did not look at him again
I did not mend the thread
There were loftier things in life
So get over this trivial tryst

He slowly stretched his legs
Wearily, the journey did seem long
His legs now lay on either side
Close, yet not touching mine

I sat in the safe enclosure
My legs could feel the warmth
Should I move my legs away
And deprive them of warmth?

We sat thus without moving
Caught in a bubble of our own
The world just passed us by
Vendors, passengers and all

Neither of us moved away
Nor nearer moved our legs
We did not look at each other
Our eyes were turned away

The magic did weave its web
The time did seem to race
Soon I was nearing my destination
And I needed the spell to break

He seemed to sense my intent
And leaned across the seat
Looked me in the eye
And opened his mouth to speak

Fast I grabbed my backpack
And shot out of my seat
Not waiting to make conversation
Made my exit really neat

"Coward, coward", cried my heart
Stay back and hear him out
You liked him so very much
Give him the benefit of the doubt

My mind just wouldn't listen
Conditioned as it was
My legs obeyed blindly
Shutting out the heart

He was after all a stranger
This man in the train
What if he harms you
You are a woman
I tried to console my heart !


  1. Fantastic poem! Very well written!!

  2. There cannot be a better description of a typical train journey....successfull in injecting into the minds of the
    reader the usual aromatic expeditions we witness during train journey...
    Keep it up

  3. Thank you both:))
    Your words are treasured!


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