My child

My child, I am so sorry
Sorry for the childhood you lost
Believe me when I say this
I would have given my life to protect you
Protect you from all the hurt you endured.

I stood firm and shielded
Stepped between you and the physical hurt
Yet did not really give a thought
To the mental anguish you fraught.

Believe me when I say this
I often cringe at the thought
Of how I sometimes directed
My own frustrations at you.

My hands were hard and tongue sharp
Sometimes I went out of control
I cannot blame it on circumstances
I am ashamed. I take the blame.

I am sorry, my darling
I would give my life for you
Yet I did not realize then
What burden your little shoulders bore

Yet you love me with all your heart
We are the bestest of friends
You are my biggest support
You are my life, my child.

I am proud of the way you have grown
You have strived to reach your goal
You took my hand and led
When I sometimes stumbled and fell

Now we have grown really strong
We stand straight and tall
The world holds no fears for us
Our demons we have outgrown!


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