
I heard a rumbling  in the distance 
The train came hurtling through
In the hum that arose in its aftermath 
People jostled by

A small crowd of women
At platform  number  eleven
Stood their ground and gazed 
Anxious and impatient 

The train slowly halted
And right in front of them
Much to their  relief
Was the ladies compartment

Lugging up the bags
As they clambered in
The overcrowded bogie
The seats were nearly full

Have you ever traveled 
In a ladies compartment 
At the end of a long working day
When you are dying just to sit

If you have, you will know
The kind of camaraderie 
You will find in a ladies compartment
Is precious  and unparalleled 

The ladies act with instinct
And freely offer assistance 
If ever one was needed
Even without  being  asked

Three will sit in a seat for one
And exchange  pleasantries 
There will always be a few like me
Lost in dreamland happily 

The air there is relaxed 
You can sit how you want
There are no lecherous  eyes
Eyeing your body parts

That evening  the train was late
By nearly an hour and a half
The sun had almost set
And darkness had begun to fall

I sensed  a general disquiet 
When the bulbs  twinkled on
We kind of caught each other's  eyes
And smiled weakly in concern

That was a kind of trigger 
To think ahead and act
Some searched frantically  in their bags
And called their people fast

A few like me sat and pondered
We had to reach home on our own
I saw a lady take off her gold chain
And deposit it safely in her bag

Soon it was pitch dark outside 
There was quietness around  me
The women were mostly  lost in thought 
A few chatted animatedly 

When I reached my station 
I got down hurriedly
I made my way out at a run
And caught an auto fast

I quickly  took my mobile 
And called  to inform 
That I was in an auto
And would  reach home very soon

Still my heart was racing 
Though  I acted very cool
I noted the roads carefully 
Making sure the route was right

I heaved a sigh  of relief 
Upon reaching home
Praying that all the rest
Would have reached home safely too 

I salute the hundreds of women 
Who travel to work everyday 
They reach home after  sunset
Though with misgivings and  fear

Yet they keep on working
They risk it every single day
They go out of their houses
Without giving in to their fear!


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