
The child looked around 
A little girl of four
Cute pigtails  
Chubby face troubled

She was in school
It was mothers day
All her friend's  mothers arrived
Hers was not there

She looked among the audience 
Trying  to locate
That much loved face
But it was not there

The performance  started 
She sang with gusto
It was Mother's  day
She was singing for her mother 

But where was her mother 
Why didn't she  come
Was she all right
A tiny little  pang

The child looked worried
At the end of the song
The crease betwixt her brows
Deepening  further 

The program over
They went back to class
The mothers went home
Classes resumed 

Some children were crying 
They wanted to go home
Seeing  their mothers leave
They  could not stop their tears 

But she sat quietly 
Looking  lost
She wanted to see her mother 
She was scared now

The bell rang finally 
It was time to go home
The children lined up
The teacher led them out

Seeing  her troubled face
The teacher consoled her
Don't worry dear
Your mom must have been busy

The bus reached her house
The ayah helped her down
Her mother  was waiting 
With a  big happy  smile

Her mother hugged her
She burst into tears
Why didn't you  come, mom
I was waiting  for you 

The mother looked perplexed
She couldn't understand 
Why her baby was crying 
She carried the crying  child home

When the sobbing  subsided 
The child confided
Hearing  what happened
The mother  grew livid

Next day morning 
The mother was at school 
Sending the  child to class
She waited to meet the teacher

The teacher came smiling 
Asked if all was fine
Not at all, she said
Her face tight with rage

Why didn't you  tell me
That  I was to come
You made my child sing for me
But forgot to call me?

The teacher looked stricken 
She thought  back frantically 
She apologized profusely 
It was my mistake 

Maybe the child was absent 
The day the information  was set
Am so sorry 
Sorry  you missed the event

The mother was furious 
How could  you 
You broke my daughters  heart
She wanted me there

The teacher stood quiet
Her head bowed in regret
It was indeed  her fault 
She should not have forgotten

The mother went home
Her anger all spent
The teacher went to her class
The students  were waiting 

She looked at the child
The child stared in resent
The teacher kept her face neutral
And pondered  in earnest

I have two choices 
She thought to herself 
I can ignore  child
Or make amends

How helpless are the little  ones
The grown ups can do many things 
Make their  lives miserable 
Without  seeming to do much

She chose the  latter 
She called the child near
And hugged apologetically 
With tears in her eyes

The child's  eyes grew wide
Her resentment  melted
She looked at her teacher
And gave a big smile

The teacher  decided 
To atone for her slip
Heap so much love on the child 
Make her every day special 

But the  teacher was fair in all ways
How could she be partial  to one child
The rest would be left behind
She had  do it for every  child 

That day onwards her class was special 
The teacher  left no stone unturned
She put in her heart
She  taught like enlightened 

A happy  bunch of twenty four
Every child  felt the magic
They  grew and blossomed
In such a wonderful  way 

The whole school  looked in amazement 
At the children so cheerful  and buoyant 
They excelled in every aspect 
Not just one child  but the whole class

The mother of the child 
When she met the teacher  next
Said with tears in her eyes
Thank you ma'am,  my daughter loves you 

She so loves to study 
And dotes  on your  every word
She is so happy to  come school 
That she misses you  on weekends 

The teacher humbly smiled
Said, I lover her too
She is such a  lovely child
I am so glad she is my class

Next year the mother brought  the child's little  sister 
And put her in the same teacher's  class
I am so happy  she is in your care ma'am 
I can ask for nothing  more!


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